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ISPE Europa: Jahreskonferenz 2014 – Driving Effectiveness in Pharmaceutical Operations within the New Quality Culture

Juli 5, 2017 @ 12:00 am

ispeThe ISPE Europe Annual Conference 2014 – Driving Effectiveness in Pharmaceutical Operations within the New Quality Culture will bring together pharmaceutical, regulatory and technology experts from around the world.This two-and-half-day event will consist of an invitation-only executive session, keynote sessions and three different tracks to assess how the senior management and operational challenges, quality system effectiveness and regulatory changes can be brought into a new pharmaceutical paradigm to exploit opportunities like Quality-by-Design, continuous manufacturing, science- and risk-based regulations in the daily life.

Conference Tracks will include:
Track 1: QbD – Reality Today? Implementation and Beyond
Track 2: QRM – Quality Risk Management
Track 3: Facilities of the Future (s. hier ein Interview mit Gert Moelgaard, Strategic Development der NNE Pharmaplan / ISPE)

Who should attend?
The Executive Session is meant for Executives, Senior Experts and Future Decision Makers from all Functions in Pharmaceutical Operations: Development, Regulatory Affairs, Quality, Production, Engineering/Investment Management and Supply Chain Management.
The Conference is aimed for Pharma Development Experts, Quality Management, Quality Assurance, Quality Operations, Quality Control, Quality Systems, Production & Distribution Personnel, Professionals Involved in Manufacturing, Development and Technology Transfer as well as Suppliers and Regulators with Interest in New Solutions and Experiences.

Hier ein Interview mit Dr. Thomas Zimmer (European Vice President ISPE):
„Wir fördern den Dialog zwischen Praktikern und Managern“.

Mehr zur Konferenz hier: Europe Annual Conference 2014 Frankfurt.


Juli 5, 2017
12:00 am