The ISPE Europe Annual Conference 2014 – Driving Effectiveness in Pharmaceutical Operations within the New Quality Culture will bring together pharmaceutical, regulatory and technology experts from around the world.This two-and-half-day event will consist of an invitation-only executive session, keynote sessions and three different tracks to assess how the senior management and operational challenges, quality system effectiveness and regulatory changes can be brought into a new pharmaceutical paradigm to exploit opportunities like Quality-by-Design, continuous manufacturing, science- and risk-based regulations in the daily life.
Conference Tracks will include:
Track 1: QbD – Reality Today? Implementation and Beyond
Track 2: QRM – Quality Risk Management
Track 3: Facilities of the Future (s. hier ein Interview mit Gert Moelgaard, Strategic Development der NNE Pharmaplan / ISPE)
Who should attend?
The Executive Session is meant for Executives, Senior Experts and Future Decision Makers from all Functions in Pharmaceutical Operations: Development, Regulatory Affairs, Quality, Production, Engineering/Investment Management and Supply Chain Management.
The Conference is aimed for Pharma Development Experts, Quality Management, Quality Assurance, Quality Operations, Quality Control, Quality Systems, Production & Distribution Personnel, Professionals Involved in Manufacturing, Development and Technology Transfer as well as Suppliers and Regulators with Interest in New Solutions and Experiences.
Mehr zur Konferenz hier: Europe Annual Conference 2014 Frankfurt.