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15:00 – 17:30 CET14:00 – 16:30 BST
09:00 – 11:30 EST

– Covid-19
– Disruption
– Clinical trials
– Innovative approaches
– Ensure patient´s treatment

The COVID-19 outbreak created a global disruption in clinical trials and companies looking worldwide for innovative approaches to ensure patient´s treatment and study continuity.
This ISPE online event will kick-off a series of Discussion Panels to share learnings about

Covid-19 – Disruption of Clinical Trial Supplies & Direct-to-patient supplies

and to shape the Clinical Trial Supply Chain of the future.

How to adapt to direct-to-patient and virtual trials in a post-COVID world – The new normal

Listen to and discuss with top class speakers representing relevant perspectives of the clinical supply chain such as Clinical Trial Supply and Clinical Operations Representatives from EU and US Pharma companies. Gain insights into experiences of the key supplier network for e.g. IxRS snd distribution. Bring in your experience and benefit from knowledge sharing like remote monitoring, regulations and compliance, disruption of IMP / data oversight, etc.

This virtual discussion panel will be a crucial platform for professionals to learn about how to adapt to direct-to-patient and virtual trials in a COVID and post-COVID world.

Register now for free.


Virtual online


Making it an unmissable event in your calendar:
18 June 2020
15:00 – 17:30 CET, 14:00 – 16:30 BST, 09:00 – 11:30 EST

A Clinical Supplies 2-Part Virtual Industry Experts Panel

Part 1 – The change

Covid-19 – Disruption of Clinical Trial Supplies
18 June 2020
Listen in and discuss with North American & European Industry Leaders on key learnings after Coronavirus outbreak. Join to understand what has changed in Clinical Supplies, how Direct to Patient works in practice and how Clinical Supplies teams secured the IMP distribution.

Part 2 – The new normal

The future of Clinical Trial Supplies
20 September 2020
Hear after summer break what these Industry Leaders believe will stay and how they forsee the Clinical Supplies business after the pandemic.


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