Loading Events

– Annex 1
– Barrier Systems
– Isolator advantages
– Restricted Access Barrier Systems
– Isolators and RABS
– Contamination Control Strategy
– Quality Risk Management


The ISPE Student Chapter Munich gladly invites you to its upcoming webinar:
New Annex 1 draft “Barrier and their requirements” with Richard Denk.

This webinar will be the first webinar of a series covering fascinating topics out of the biopharmaceutical production world.

Richard Denk is the chair of the ISPE COP Containment for the ISPE D/A/CH region. He works as senior consultant in aseptic processing & containment at SKAN AG.
The ISPE COP Containment is responsible for the ISPE D/A/CH containment manual, he has also written a GMP paperback on containment and hygienic design.

The Annex 1 draft from the European Commission is an international supported document where for instance PICs are involved and for that reason the interest of the outcome of the document is of global interest.

The Webinar will cover the specific discussion about barrier systems like isolators.

We are really looking forward to this webinar and we would be glad to welcome you to this special event.

The registration is now open and for free.

Language: english.


23 June 2020
18:00 – 19:30 CET


Online Webinar


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